Bagi teman teman sekalian yg belum memiliki OS mikrotik ne saya kasih link buat disedot, yaaaaa walaupun crack2an gitu tapi ne cuma sekedar share aja hehehehehehe......:) klonya kita beli yg asli kan mahal tuh jadi klo ad yg gratis ngapain bayar? toh kemampuannya sama aja kan
Sedot mikrotik versi 3.20---->>>>
Sabtu, 02 Mei 2009
Hotspot Mikrotik TANPA IP Pool/Static IP Hotspot
Tulisan ini dibuat atas dasar oprekan yang selama kita penulis gunakan. Sebetulnya banyak tutorial hotspot yang sudah ada, namun sebagian besar menggunakan IP Pool. IP Pool ini diinisialisasi dengan IP DHCP Server, dimana client mendapatkan IP address secara Otomatis. DHCP Server memang lebih mudah.. akan tetapi jika ada user yang nakal bisa saja menggunakan login dan password milik orang lain untuk mengkases internet, karena intinya client sudah mendapatkan IP address dari IP Pool ini. Nah tutorial berikut ini akan menjelaskan bagaimana men-setting Hotspot dengan STATIC IP address, skenario nya client menggunakan IP Static /Manual input. logobottom
Dengan settingan ini hanya IP User yang di daftar saja yang akan bisa mengakes internet, tentunya dengan login dan password yang kita berikan. Berikut ini step by step nya…. monggo di simak booozzzzz…..
Pertama, kita remote Mikrotik dengan winbox, kemudian pilih Menu IP Hot Spot seperti pada gambar dibawah ini :
Selanjutnya kita buat rule untu Profil. Profil ini nantinya digunakan sebagai User Profiles untuk hotspot, ikuti gambar berikut :
Selanjut, kita akan mensetting User terlebih dahulu, mengapa demikian ? Hal ini untuk menghindari jika anda mengaktifkan Server untuk hotspot maka kita tidak akan bisa berinternet bahkan tidak bisa me remote mikrotik, karena user belum di inisialisasi di hotspot user nya. Oleh karena itu kita akan menambah user terlebih dahulu dengan cara seperti gambar dibawah ini:
Perhatikan gambar diatas, Server all, ini artinya server hotspot belum kita setting dan untuk ini nantinya anda harus ganti dengan Server1 jika Server hotspot sudah anda aktifkan (perhatikan gambar-gambar berikutnya). Kolom Name isikan nama user, kolom Password isikan dengan password, anda bisa tentukan sendiri untuk user dan password ini, disarankan untuk memberikan user dan password kombinasi angka dan huruf untuk security. Kemudian isikan IP user (ip client). Kolom MAC Address merupakan secuirity level tinggi, anda bisa masukkan MAC addres dari IP client. Dengan memasukkan MAC Address hanya NIC/IP Radio yang di masukkan saja yang bisa login dan berinternet. Nah untuk mengetahui MAC Address dari IP Client caranya anda lihat dari menu IP ARP, akan muncul IP dan MAC Address dari client yang connect ke Mikrotik. Terserah anda akan masukkan atau tidak. Bebas Booossss… kekekeekee.
Hal yang utama adalah memasukkan IP Laptop anda sebagai user agar nantinya anda bisa masuk untuk login ke internet dan bisa me remote mikrotik router anda. selanjutnya. setelah membuat 1 user, tambahkan user/client yang selanjutnya.. caranya gampang, double click user pertama yang sudah kita buat, klik menu copy, selanjutnya konfigurasi seperti user pertama, kemudian isikan sesuai settingan anda, lihat gambar berikut :
Lakukan hal yang sama untuk menambah semua user/clietn yang anda miliki, sehingga akan nampak seperti gambar berikut :
Nah jika sudah selesai memasukkan user/client kita akan mengaktifkan server, perhatikan gambar berikut :
Keterangan :
Masih di menu IP, Hotspot, pilih Tab Menu Server, klik tanda +, kemudian klik Profiles, pilh tab menu General, sesuaikan settingan anda. Name default, HTML Directory=hotspot, HTTP Proxy= adalah IP Local (ether2) anda, HTTP Proxy Port=3128 adalah proxy (kalo anda redirect port 8080 silakan ganti sesuaikan dengan proxy port anda), kemudian geser ke tab menu Login, Centangi yang HTTP CHAP saja. Ini nanti pengaruhnya pada saat client membuka IE ato Firefox untuk internet akan muncul menu Login dan Password. Setelah itu klik Apply, OK. Secara otomatis anda akan disonnect dari winbox.
Cobalah anda buka internet, makakan diminta user dan password, masukkan user dan password anda sesuai dengan ip anda yang anda masukkan. Selamat mengoprek….
NetInstall Description
NetInstall is a program that runs on most modern Windows versions that allows you to install MikroTiK RouterOS onto a dedicated PC or onto a RouterBoard via an Ethernet network.
NetInstall is also used to re-install RouterOS on a RouterBoard in cases where the the previous install failed, became damaged or access passwords were lost.
All you need is a blank floppy or an Ethernet device that supports PXE (like RouterBoard 100, 200, 300, 400, 500 series), an Ethernet network between workstation and dedicated computer, and a serial null-modem console cable (for RouterBoard routers) and serial communications software.
See the following article regarding how to establish serial communication with a Routerboard.
Netinstall can also install RouterOS on a disk (USB/CF/IDE) that is connected to the Netinstall Windows machine. After installation just move the disk to the Router machine and boot from it.
Image:2009-01-27 1224.jpg
* for installation over network, don't forget to enable the PXE server, and make sure Netinstall is not blocked by your firewall or antivirus. The connection should be directly from your Windows PC to the Router PC (or RouterBOARD), or at least through a switch/hub.
NetInstall Example
This is a step by step example of how to install RouterOS on a RouterBoard 532 from a typical notebook computer.
The Notebook computer must be equiped with the following ports and contain the following files:
* Ethernet port.
* Serial port.
* Serial communications program (such as Hyper Terminal)
* The .npk RouterOS file(s) (not .zip file) of the RouterOS version that you wish to install onto the Routerboard.
* The NetInstall program available from the Downloads page at
Connection process
1. Connect the routerboard to a switch, a hub or directly to the Notebook computer via Ethernet. The notebook computer Ethernet port will need to be configured with a usable IP address and subnet. For example:
2. Connect the routerboard to the notebook computer via serial, and establish a serial communication session with the RouterBoard. Serial configuration example in in the Serial console manual
3. Run the NetInstall program on your notebook computer.
4. Press the NetInstall "Net Booting" button, enable the Boot Server, and enter a valid, usable IP address (within the same subnet of the IP address of the Notebook) that the NetInstall program will assign to the RouterBoard to enable communication with the Notebook computer. For example:
5. Set the RouterBoard BIOS to boot from the Ethernet interface.
Configuring Bootloader
To access Routerboard BIOS configuration: reboot the Routerboard while observing the activity on the Serial Console. You will see the following prompt on the Serial Console “Press any key within 2 seconds to enter setup” indicating that you have a 1 or 2 second window of time when pressing any key will give you access to Routerboard BIOS configuration options.
(press any key when prompted):
You will see the following list of available BIOS Configuration commands. To set up the boot device, press the 'o' key:
What do you want to configure?
d - boot delay
k - boot key
s - serial console
l - debug level
o - boot device
b - beep on boot
v - vga to serial
t - ata translation
p - memory settings
m - memory test
u - cpu mode
f - pci back-off
r - reset configuration
g - bios upgrade through serial port
c - bios license information
x - exit setup
Next Selection: Press the 'e' key to make the RouterBoard to boot from Ethernet interface:
Select boot device:
* i - IDE
e - Etherboot
1 - Etherboot (timeout 15s), IDE
2 - Etherboot (timeout 1m), IDE
3 - Etherboot (timeout 5m), IDE
4 - Etherboot (timeout 30m), IDE
5 - IDE, try Etherboot first on next boot (15s)
6 - IDE, try Etherboot first on next boot (1m)
7 - IDE, try Etherboot first on next boot (5m)
8 - IDE, try Etherboot first on next boot (30m)
The RouterBoard BIOS will return to the first menu. Press the 'x' key to exit from BIOS. The router will reboot.
Watch the serial console as the RouterBoard reboots, it will indicate that the RouterBoard is attempting to boot to the NetInstall program. The NetInstall program will give the RouterBoard the IP address you entered at Step 4 (above), and the RouterBoard will be ready for software installation. Now you should see the MAC Address of the RouterBoard appear in the Routers/Drives list of the NetInstall program.
Click on the desired Router/Drive entry and you will be able to configure various installation parameters associated with that Router/Drive entry.
For most Re-Installations of RouterOS on RouterBoards you will only need to set the following parameter:
Press the "Browse" button on the NetInstall program screen. Browse to the folder containing the .npk RouterOS file(s) of the RouterOS version that you wish to install onto the Routerboard.
When you have finalized the installation parameters, press the "Install" button to install RouterOS.
When the installation process has finished, press 'Enter' on the console or 'Reboot' button in the NetInstall program.
1. Reset the BIOS Configuration of the RouterBoard to boot from its own memory.
2. Reboot the RouterBoard.
Reset RouterOS Password
Netinstall can be used to reset password of RouterOS by erasing all configuration from the router. Uncheck 'Keep Old Configuration' during Netinstall and proceed with standard procedure,
Here is a step-by-step explanation how to enable nstreme dual on a fresh installed MikroTik devices
1.1. Enabling wireless cards 1 and 2:
[admin@MikroTik] > interface enable wlan1
[admin@MikroTik] > interface enable wlan2
1.2. Assigning IP address to the ethernet interface:
[admin@MikroTik] > ip address add address= interface=ether1
1.3. Creating bridge interface:
[admin@MikroTik] > interface bridge add
1.4. Adding ethernet interface to the bridge interface:
[admin@MikroTik] > interface bridge port add interface=ether1 bridge=bridge1
1.5. Setting wireless cards 1 and 2 to nstreme mode:
[admin@MikroTik] > interface wireless set wlan1 mode=nstreme-dual-slave
[admin@MikroTik] > interface wireless set wlan2 mode=nstreme-dual-slave
1.6. Creating nstreme dual interface and setting Tx and Rx radios and frequencies:
[admin@MikroTik] > interface wireless nstreme-dual add rx-radio=wlan1 tx-radio=wlan2
rx-band=5ghz tx-band=5ghz rx-frequency=5180 tx-frequency=5300
1.7. Adding nstreme interface to the bridge:
[admin@MikroTik] > interface bridge port add interface=nstreme1 bridge=bridge1
1.8. Checking the MAC address of the nstreme interface (in this example: 11:11:11:11:11:11):
[admin@MikroTik] > interface wireless nstremedual print
Flags: X disabled, R running
0 X name="nstreme1" mtu=1500 macaddress=11:11:11:11:11:11 arp=enabled
disablerunningcheck=no tx-radio=wlan2 rx-radio=wlan1 remotemac=00:00:00:00:00:00
tx-band=5ghz tx-frequency=5300 rx-band=5ghz rx-frequency=5180
framerpolicy=none framerlimit=2560
II. MikroTik Device 2
2.1. Enabling wireless cards 1 and 2:
[admin@MikroTik] > interface enable wlan1
[admin@MikroTik] > interface enable wlan2
2.2. Assigning IP address to the ethernet interface:
[admin@MikroTik] > ip address add address= interface=ether1
2.3. Creating bridge interface:
[admin@MikroTik] > interface bridge add
2.4. Adding ethernet interface to the bridge interface:
[admin@MikroTik] > interface bridge port add interface=ether1 bridge=bridge1
2.5. Setting wireless cards 1 and 2 to nstreme mode:
[admin@MikroTik] > interface wireless set wlan1 mode=nstreme-dual-slave
[admin@MikroTik] > interface wireless set wlan2 mode=nstreme-dual-slave
2.6. Creating Nstreme dual interface and setting Tx and Rx radios and frequencies and setting the MAC address of the remote nstreme interface (in this example: 11:11:11:11:11:11 [step 1.8]):
[admin@MikroTik] > interface wireless nstreme-dual add rx-radio=wlan1 tx-radio=wlan2
rx-band=5ghz tx-band=5ghz rx-frequency=5300 tx-frequency=5180
remotemac=11:11:11:11:11:11 disabled=no
2.7. Adding nstreme interface to the bridge:
[admin@MikroTik] > interface bridge port add interface=nstreme1 bridge=bridge1
2.8. Checking the MAC address of the nstreme interface (in this example: 22:22:22:22:22:22):
[admin@MikroTik] > interface wireless nstremedual print
Flags: X disabled, R running
0 R name="nstreme1" mtu=1500 macaddress=22:22:22:22:22:22 arp=enabled
disablerunningcheck=no tx-radio=wlan2 rx-radio=wlan1 remotemac=11:11:11:11:11:11
tx-band=5ghz tx-frequency=5180 rx-band=5ghz rx-frequency=5300
framerpolicy=none framerlimit=2560
III. MikroTik Device 1
1.9. Setting the MAC address of the remote nstreme interface (in this example: 22:22:22:22:22:22 [step 2.8]):
[admin@MikroTik] > interface wireless nstreme-dual set nstreme1
remotemac=22:22:22:22:22:22 disabled=no